
malissa posts

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by malissa,

One of my borage plants is limp. I've tried: tying it up, not watering it, watering it. The other, which gets the same sun, water and tying up is as tall and straight as you could hope for. Challenge. The parsley keeps wanting to bolt. It might need to go further under the tree. Beetroot leaves c…

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by malissa,

This afternoon E, earning her gin and tonic with borage flower ice cubes like a boss, identified a tiny rosemary seedling growing in a paving crack in my courtyard. I'm being careful to step around it until I have time to get more dirt to pot it.

Felicitious plant are the best plants. This wi…

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The trouble with a sustainable life

by malissa,

Pot gardening needs a little extra planning when you've only you and a non-cargo bike to haul large pots and potting mix. The second nearest hardware will deliver, but only once a week and at farmer's market time, which is a bit of a cow. Still, the deliver for free and come when they say they wi…

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The tomato triffid, bulbs and planting dates.

by malissa,

One of my tomato plant is now quite tall, taller than me. I was complaining to a friend today that I didn't know where I'd get the next stake from if it had to be taller than 6ft. She, rather wryly I thought, suggested I pinch out top shoots. What kind of common sense it that? At any rate, that p…

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