
Banana Musa spp.

How to sow banana: Rhizome or sucker

Sun requirement for banana: Plant in Full Sun

Banana has been planted 3 times by Growstuff (staging) members.

The banana is a tropical perennial herb that produces edible fruits. There are many different species of banana within the Musa genus. Banana trees can be grown outdoors in tropic and subtropical climates, and indoors in northern areas. Bananas like company: plant them in blocks or clumps so they can shelter one another from wind and build humidity. The best bananas will grow towards the middle of the clump. Hot, dry air and temperatures below 0ºC will seriously harm or kill a banana tree.

Image of banana



living and reproducing in a single year or less

Median lifespan

69 weeks




durian yam


Banana crops

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What people are saying about bananas

Testing post/crop linkage

by Skud,

This is a test post about vegies I like.

tomato is a favourite summer vegetable (technically a fruit). I have never grown corn but would like to. Chard (which I capitalised, see what I did there?) is also nice.

Here is a weirdly capitalised …

tomato tomatoes corn corn chard bananas
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How to grow bananas

Scientific names

Musa spp.

Alternate names

Banana harvests

Nobody has harvested this crop yet.

Find banana seeds

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