
Trinidad Moruga scorpion pepper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper Capsicum chinense

How to sow Trinidad Moruga scorpion pepper: Direct seed indoors, transplant seedlings outside after hardening off

Sun requirement for Trinidad Moruga scorpion pepper: Plant in Full Sun

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Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper is a Capsicum chinense species that was bred in Trinidad and Tobago. It is currently the hottest chili pepper in the world, with an average Scoville Heat index rating of 1.2 million units. Peppers mature from green to red and look like miniature, squished, wrinkled red bell peppers. The pepper also has a tender fruity flavor beneath it's extreme heat.

Image of Trinidad Moruga scorpion pepper



living and reproducing in a single year or less


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How to grow Trinidad Moruga scorpion peppers

Trinidad Moruga scorpion pepper is a variety of Capsicum chinense

Scientific names

Capsicum chinense

Alternate names

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Trinidad moruga scorpion pepper harvests

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