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Growstuff (staging) helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

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And another RSS feed test

by thorfi,

And another RSS feed test

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Testing RSS feed trickery

by thorfi,

Testing RSS feed trickery. Does the posts RSS feed mutate too?

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This is a post with markdown formatting

by Skud,

this is a heading

  • and
  • some
  • bullet
  • points

and a link to somewhere

You should be able to see all that stuff nicely formatted in the RSS feeds, now.

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by fe2h2o,

Another test, from a mobile device.

Which didn't work, as it shouldn't…

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Subject prompt works...

by fe2h2o,

I'm testing what happens with post subjects… And what do you know, it told me there was an error:-)

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Rainy subject is rainy.

by Transcendancing,

All kinds of things! Mostly rain.

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by hazel,

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Testing email notifications

by Skud,

Feel free to comment here to test email notifications, or to make your own post like this for others to comment on.

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by cesy,

Please can someone comment on this so I can see the notifications in my inbox?

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by test,

I haven't posted here before:-)

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by test,

I haven't posted here before:-)

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by jenny,

WHOA! We had a sudden and vicious cold snap at the start of last week – ice, snow (!), the works. (I know, "cold" weather here is laughable to anyone who lives where it actually gets cold, but it was very startling to anything accustomed to our gentler climes.) Fortunately the leeks and garl…

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