Posted by jenny on March 17, 2013 at 18:29


WHOA! We had a sudden and vicious cold snap at the start of last week – ice, snow (!), the works. (I know, "cold" weather here is laughable to anyone who lives where it actually gets cold, but it was very startling to anything accustomed to our gentler climes.) Fortunately the leeks and garlic seem to have weathered it OK, and while the rhubarb sagged in the frost, it's recovered enough that I picked some for breakfast this morning. New leaves on the rhubarb in pots died back; hopefully the roots will be OK. Fennel did not like the frost, and has died back, I think; rosemary and lavender seem OK. Older kale plants recovered, but the frost sadly did not kill the woolly aphids, ick. So I finally pulled the old plants – way overdue. Still to see if the sprouting broccoli will, y'know, sprout.