Posted by Skud on November 13, 2012 at 13:46 and edited at December 17, 2012 at 23:50


A good night's work on Growstuff tonight with Maia. We committed and merged RSS feeds (which I'd previously been working on with cephLpod) and then redesigned the whole site using Bootstrap instead of Zurb Foundation.

In garden news… not much. Looks like the basil I planted in seed trays is just on the verge of sprouting. The "Garden Value" shop at Preston was completely rubbish (turns out it's part of a sprawling discount store that took over what might have previously been a real nursery; they don't have much except cheap planting containers and bagged potting mix etc.) When Maia left I gave her a couple of thai hot chilli seedlings to take with her… they're the ones I recently planted out into little pots and have been handing to anyone who comes by.

I want to plant salad greens. I need to buy cucumber seedlings. Perhaps tomorrow for both?