Posted by Skud on November 14, 2012 at 13:53 and edited at December 17, 2012 at 23:50


For a day when I didn't do much – lunch with a friend, picked up some things at CERES, came home and potted some seedlings – I sure do feel tired. But tired in that "can't get off the sofa" way, not in the actual "go to bed and sleep" way.

I am happy I have GS to post updates on! Somehow this feels lower pressure than my blog. Maybe because it's so sketchy and I'm pretty sure nobody's reading it… yet.

Anyway! Today!

  • Basil is sprouting in the seedling trays where I planted it the other day
  • Mulberry tree is covered in mulberries, really need to get out there daily to pick them at present
  • Bought cucumbers (a compact, non-trellis-needing variety) and tomatillo seedlings at CERES. First tomatillo seedlings I've ever seen in Australia. The woman at the counter says I'm not the only person who's been pretty excited by them.
  • Planted out 3 cucumbers, the tomatillos, and some rainbow chard in tubs and large pots.

The tubs we're using are old recycling bins from before our area got the wheelie ones. Today I half-filled them with random garden crap and leaves and half-rotted grass clippings from heap behind the carport, then topped it off with commercial compost and potting mix, about 15cm deep. I hate how much potting mix we go through with this whole container thing, and I'm trying to use more of what we have lying around rather than buying it by the bagful. Not least because it means a car trip. I'm hoping the cucumbers and chard that wound up in those tubs like it.

Also bought a book about soil improvement by Jackie French, who is known as a bit of a gardening guru but I only really know her through "Diary of a Wombat". Anyway, she is SO BUSTED. In this book about soil, she talks about leaving out carrots to attract wombats, whose poo is good for her garden. BUSTED I TELL YOU.