Posted by Skud on February 18, 2013 at 07:53


Here's what I'm planning to get from Eden Seeds around the start of March, for autumn planting:

  • Vegetables - Asian Vegetables - Cabbage - Bok Choi - Taisai
  • Vegetables - Asian Vegetables - Choy Sum
  • Vegetables - Bean, Bush - Cherokee Wax
  • Vegetables - Beetroot - Early Wonder
  • Vegetables - Beetroot - Golden
  • Vegetables - Celeriac - White Alabaster
  • Vegetables - Lettuce - Oak Leaf - Purple
  • Vegetables - Lettuce - Winter Density
  • Vegetables - Legumes/green Manure - White Clover- Haifa

(The clover is to attempt to regenerate the patch of lawn that's been taken over by a weed I call Evil Coriander. It has a coriander-like leaf, but spreads in nasty tough tendrils and kills everything in its path. Also it is kind of prickly to walk on. EEVVVIIIILLLLL. Actually, anyone know what that might be? It has small orangey-red flowers in the late spring, if that helps at all.)

Stuff I already have in the "winter crops" ziploc in the seed drawer:

  • a couple of kinds of kale
  • silverbeet (Fordhook Giant)
  • English spinach (winter variety)

Anyway, March is only a couple of weeks off, so it won't be long until it's order-placing time.