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Growstuff (staging) helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

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Change of plans

by amy,

Was going to plant some late winter things, but we had ice; guess I'll mess with this here garden software instead ;)

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I am such a pro!

by Skud,

Google: "how to tell if cucumbers are ripe"

Answer: better early than late; as soon as the skin is dark green (assuming it's a dark green variety) it can be picked. If it starts to yellow or get mushy, you waited too long.

"how to tell if green zebra tomatoes are ripe"

The whitish strip…

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checking it out

by cesullivan,

Just seeing the new stuff on the website.

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by dbrunton,

I'm surprised to find how easy and successful my first sprouting has been. Fenugreek for everyone!

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by cesullivan,

Lots of stuff still needs to be done with this website.

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by juliet,

We ate the first apples from the apple tree (3 yr old Winston planted Jan 2012) this week. They're very sweet, a bit like a cross between a Cox and a Red Lady. They've been stored since October and going a little wrinkly by now. (Winston is supposed to be a winter keeper.)

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Test update from iPhone 4

by larry,


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This is an-update—with a few ;;'[{@£~ "odd"characters and it's really long and contains a url

by larry,


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Development site update

by larry,

This update is just to test the friendly url scheme.

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Some interest in gardening

by cesullivan,

I don't have one. :( I have had a garden in the past. I am interested in hydroponic gardens. In addition to helping to create this site, I might even start gardening. Yippee!


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by malissa,

One of my borage plants is limp. I've tried: tying it up, not watering it, watering it. The other, which gets the same sun, water and tying up is as tall and straight as you could hope for. Challenge. The parsley keeps wanting to bolt. It might need to go further under the tree. Beetroot leaves c…

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Rain! Rocket! White flies!

by Skud,

Raining all day today. Went out to feed the worms and look at the plants. The rocket I planted all over the place is coming up; they call it rocket for a reason. Whoosh! White flies still everywhere, still nomming on all the leaves. I want to try garlic spray but it seems pointless when it'll j…

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