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Growstuff (staging) helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

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by inkstone,

Stuff is sprouting in my wintersown milkjugs! Yes!

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by cathy squires,

It's not growing, it's melting!

Sorry, I just needed to get that out. If I stare at the garlic patch, will the tops appear?

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Note to self

by federicomenaquintero,

Need to ask the neighbor to bring us another bucketful of cow manure the next time he goes to his family's ranch.

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Pretty peach tree

by federicomenaquintero,

So, we were terrified that the new peach tree (just planted last summer) had died during the winter. It lost all its leaves!

Then a few weeks ago it grew two flowers. Now it is full of flowers, and the new leaves are from 2 to 5 cm long. It's looking very healthy.

And flowers means fru…

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Started the Spring plantings

by federicomenaquintero,

Tomato, onions, basil, carrots, spinach, coriander, celery, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes.

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by inkstone,

Uh oh. Used up the last of my saved containers. Might have to start raiding my neighbors' recycling bins late Sunday night/early Monday morning…

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Propagating purslane?

by Skud,

There is lots of purslane growing wild near here, along the tram tracks. Just recently I've seen a few plants pop up in my garden, and was delighted, because the ones along the tram track probably have a lot of traffic exhaust all over them and I'd rather not eat them. But the volunteers in my …

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Wanted (to swap?): seeds for lettuce, beetroot, asian greens [Melbourne, Australia]

by Skud,

Does anyone have any lettuce, beetroot, or asian greens (eg. bok choy, choy sum) available to swap/trade? We have a lot of different seeds, including some nice tomato varieties, though we're short on winter crops so it's mostly spring/summer stuff. Could also trade for preserves (chutney, salsa, …

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Saving seeds from year to year

by jenny,

How do other people keep their seeds from year to year? My packets are sort of lined up by approximate planting time in an open box, since they outgrew the sealed container I was keeping them in. Seeds from my own plants, like kale, I keep in aspirin bottles and similar. They're in a part of th…

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Bikes, eh?

by pozorvlak,

That reminds me, I need to oil my bike. And possibly replace the chain - I'm getting a lot of chain skip.

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Do you stake wild sweeties?

by Skud,

I have a wild sweetie tomato plant that I got as a seedling from woolfit. It grows the tiniest, sweetest, most delicious little tomatoes on spreading branches. When I first looked it up I thought it said "determinate" so I didn't stake it. But now it has these branches that are spreading up to…

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Propagating Mulberries?

by fe2h2o,

So… We're about to move. I have a fabulous mulberry tree in the yard, which I had thought to take with us… but when I actually looked, it has grown far more than I'd realised in the last 12 months. So now, it's way too big to move. I have heard tell that mulberries can be quite variable as …

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