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Frost and more frost

by ilyena_sylph,

I am pretty sure the last two days hard frosts have killed off my attempt at growing a fall crop of carrots.

Oh well, they were seeds from three years ago anyway.

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Planting and replanting and miscellany

by Skud,

Basil seedlings got planted out into various corners around the tomatoes and tomatillos. I notice that the ends of the spring onions that we tucked in amongst the tomatoes are also starting to sprout, w00t. I wonder how many times you can replant spring onions? Are they immortal? If we buy a …

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by malissa,

This afternoon E, earning her gin and tonic with borage flower ice cubes like a boss, identified a tiny rosemary seedling growing in a paving crack in my courtyard. I'm being careful to step around it until I have time to get more dirt to pot it.

Felicitious plant are the best plants. This wi…

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Why are my tomatillos so tall?

by Skud,

I picked up two tomatillo seedlings from CERES the other week and was pretty excited to plant them. I put them in pots and I've been treating them pretty much like tomato plants, but they're behaving a little oddly. They're growing very tall and spindly, with leaves just at the top. Is that n…

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The trouble with a sustainable life

by malissa,

Pot gardening needs a little extra planning when you've only you and a non-cargo bike to haul large pots and potting mix. The second nearest hardware will deliver, but only once a week and at farmer's market time, which is a bit of a cow. Still, the deliver for free and come when they say they wi…

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The tomato triffid, bulbs and planting dates.

by malissa,

One of my tomato plant is now quite tall, taller than me. I was complaining to a friend today that I didn't know where I'd get the next stake from if it had to be taller than 6ft. She, rather wryly I thought, suggested I pinch out top shoots. What kind of common sense it that? At any rate, that p…

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joy of strata

by gretchen mcsomething,

So far: nothing.

When I moved back into to my townhouse, the strata company were in the process of replacing our termite eaten wooden fences with colourbond. So I put off planting. Then they discovered that the retaining wall from the visitors carpark - which is part of MY garden wall - also …

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Hey, look, people! \o/

by Skud,

There's no way to comment/respond to updates yet other than post my own, so that's what I'm doing. I just wanted to say how exciting it was to see Larry and Liz's updates show up in my RSS reader. Thanks for coming and trying things out!

Larry, I'm envious of your apple trees and your readil…

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Looking good so far!

by liz,

It's late fall/early winter here in Virginia, in the US, so not much is growing. I planted onions and several varieties of garlic earlier in September, as well as two varieties of beets and two of swiss chard. All are doing well, especially the chard. In the next few days, I'll plant some lettuce…

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by larry,

Hullo from the West of Ireland. I grow stuff, in a poly-tunnel. Mostly onion, garlic, salads, tomatoes, an occasional herb, some cabbages, carrots, potato, that sort of thing. Native apple trees in the garden, cooking and eating varieties. Can give a good run-down on making your own nettle-based …

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by thejaymo,

nothing to see here. move along, move along

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Lots happened.

by Skud,

For a day when I didn't do much – lunch with a friend, picked up some things at CERES, came home and potted some seedlings – I sure do feel tired. But tired in that "can't get off the sofa" way, not in the actual "go to bed and sleep" way.

I am happy I have GS to post updates on! Somehow t…

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