
Skud posts

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Growstuff (staging) helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

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I am such a pro!

by Skud,

Google: "how to tell if cucumbers are ripe"

Answer: better early than late; as soon as the skin is dark green (assuming it's a dark green variety) it can be picked. If it starts to yellow or get mushy, you waited too long.

"how to tell if green zebra tomatoes are ripe"

The whitish strip…

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Rain! Rocket! White flies!

by Skud,

Raining all day today. Went out to feed the worms and look at the plants. The rocket I planted all over the place is coming up; they call it rocket for a reason. Whoosh! White flies still everywhere, still nomming on all the leaves. I want to try garlic spray but it seems pointless when it'll j…

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Planting and replanting and miscellany

by Skud,

Basil seedlings got planted out into various corners around the tomatoes and tomatillos. I notice that the ends of the spring onions that we tucked in amongst the tomatoes are also starting to sprout, w00t. I wonder how many times you can replant spring onions? Are they immortal? If we buy a …

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Why are my tomatillos so tall?

by Skud,

I picked up two tomatillo seedlings from CERES the other week and was pretty excited to plant them. I put them in pots and I've been treating them pretty much like tomato plants, but they're behaving a little oddly. They're growing very tall and spindly, with leaves just at the top. Is that n…

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Hey, look, people! \o/

by Skud,

There's no way to comment/respond to updates yet other than post my own, so that's what I'm doing. I just wanted to say how exciting it was to see Larry and Liz's updates show up in my RSS reader. Thanks for coming and trying things out!

Larry, I'm envious of your apple trees and your readil…

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Lots happened.

by Skud,

For a day when I didn't do much – lunch with a friend, picked up some things at CERES, came home and potted some seedlings – I sure do feel tired. But tired in that "can't get off the sofa" way, not in the actual "go to bed and sleep" way.

I am happy I have GS to post updates on! Somehow t…

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Moving along nicely

by Skud,

A good night's work on Growstuff tonight with Maia. We committed and merged RSS feeds (which I'd previously been working on with cephLpod) and then redesigned the whole site using Bootstrap instead of Zurb Foundation.

In garden news… not much. Looks like the basil I planted in seed trays i…

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by Skud,

How great is this? You can now post updates which will appear on your user page (in my case, and on the where you can see everyone's updates.

Very soon (VERY! SOON!) these will be p…

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